Ben Carson on Health Care
- There's a strong connection between health and housing. (Jan 2017)
- Health empowerment account for all on the day you're born. (Feb 2016)
- Health empowerment accounts for families. (Feb 2016)
- I don't want to end Medicare, just make it more efficient. (Nov 2015)
- Give people the option to opt out of Medicare. (Oct 2015)
- Health savings accounts for families to buy health care. (Oct 2015)
- Health Savings Accounts make insurance companies irrelevant. (Oct 2015)
- Health Savings Accounts make Medicaid less relevant. (Oct 2015)
- ObamaCare flies in the face of principles of America. (Oct 2015)
- Replace need for Medicare with HSAs & catastrophic insurance. (Oct 2015)
- Vaccines never caused autism; vaccination is important. (Sep 2015)
- ObamaCare is analogous to slavery. (May 2015)
- Obamacare is about restriction and control. (Feb 2015)
- Vaccines are extremely important, despite individual rights. (Feb 2015)
- Spokesperson for Mannatech nutrition supplement for 10 years. (Jan 2015)
- Ban Ebola-infected people from entry; treat them elsewhere. (Oct 2014)
- ObamaCare robs you of your ability to control your own life. (May 2014)
- ObamaCare is the worst thing since slavery. (Oct 2013)
- Fund HSAs for indigent from collected HSAs of the rest of us. (Feb 2013)
- Health savings account from birth; teach poor responsibility. (Feb 2013)
- Government responsibility for catastrophic coverage. (Jan 2012)
- Let paralyzed quadriplegics choose to die if they wish it. (Jan 2012)
- Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services. (Jan 2012)
- Saudi Arabian solution: stiff penalties for medical fraud. (Jan 2012)
- Two-tiered system ok as long as care is adequate. (Jan 2012)
- Suffered research cancer injection and prostate cancer. (Dec 2007)